Boudha 06, Mahankal Phant, Kathmandu, Nepal
Welcome to Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra
Welcome to Bikalpa Gyan Tatha Bikas Kendra
Boudha 06, Mahankal Phant, Kathmandu, Nepal
Under this, Mobile School, Angan School, Women Literacy Class and Maker Space are and still operated for two hours. The program includes Basic literacy classes for children who are in the streets, domestic workers, carpet factory workers and also for women. Besides working directly for the community with these prominent members of the community.
Mobile School
Ghumti Angan School or Mobile School is to provide opportunity for the children to get education right at their doorstep or work places. With the objectives to take the school to the poor disadvantaged children’s living in slum areas and working site, Ghumti Angan Mobile School has been envisioned. Ghumti means Mobile and Angan means Home yard or doorstep. This is a unique on wheels that comes to the children at time that is convenient to them. It is also economical because the school will be mobile. Highly motivated children from stable family from the slum and working places can be transferred to the formal schools if they wish.
Angan School
The Angan School at Jagritinagar is our oldest school which is a symbol for us to remind us of the responsibility to the community around us. The Angan School is run in Jagritinagar in Sinamangal in a slum area. Children who live in the slum area and who work around the slum area attend the Angan School. The Angan School runs two hour basic literacy class for the children and also has served as a bridge for the children who would like to continue their formal studies.
Women Education Program
The Women Education Program of Bikalpa, has been able to literate around four hundred women since its inception three years ago. It runs every day for two hours with three classes. Women in and around the area come to attend the women literacy class. The women are taught to read and write and do simple arithmetic.
Maker Space
The Maker Space previously known as Open Class is a learning and creating space run for children of Mobile School, Angan School and Women Education Program. Previoulsy, open class was for the children who are domestic workers, carpet factory workers and who were compelled to discontinue school because of various reasons. As obvious by its name, maker space lets children make anything they wish to by using the tools and materials available in this space. This will allow children to create and innovate with freedom. They are not taught what to create rather they are given freedom to design, collect materials, do, undo and complete the project on their choice. The Maker Space has always been a creative and inspiring class for children who attend it. Maker space has various areas within this space that includes cooking area, wood work area, sewing area, paper work area and large table area for group work or individuals in order to give shape to their projects. Here, children have created vehicle models, rocket models, paper architecture models, money saving banks, pen holders, flowers from plastics, clothes, plant pots, decorative items, cushion from old clothes, cushion cover, cooked delicious meals which were initiated by themselves. In this way, they are also learning basic life skills.